woman praying beside tree

We Welcome You

In the love of Jesus Christ

We are devoted followers of Lord Jesus Christ, having accepted Him as our Lord and Savior. Our love for Him is unwavering, and we prioritize His place in our lives. Through His blood, we find purification, and we are reborn as God’s children, filled with the Holy Spirit. We highly regard the Holy Bible as God’s revelation and the foundation of our faith, shared by all genuine believers.

Meeting Places and Times

Our focus is to create a church community where each member is actively involved and connected, characterized by their love for Christ and one another (John 15:9). We primarily gather in homes and small groups throughout the week for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study (Acts 2:46-47). Please get in touch with us so that we can inform you about a home meeting in your area.

selective focus photography of people sitting on chairs while writing on notebooks
New Testament Recovery Version

Order Your Free Bible

Bibles for America (BfA) is a non-profit organization that distributes FREE copies of the New Testament Recovery Version Bible, a unique study Bible faithful to the original Greek text.

Order your own copy now and get copies for others. BfA also offers FREE Christian literature and a mobile app called “BfA Bible Study” for Android and iOS. Explore the Word and discover the riches of our Wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ!